Dev-c++ __dyn_tls_init_callback

I am in a introduction to programming class at my school and we need a compiler at home to work on. I downloaded Dev-C++, which we use at school, and tried to do my homework. However, I cannot run my programs through the command prompt like at my school. I notice that it isn't creating any exe files like it does at my school. From what I've read, it won't make exe's if there are errors. I found the errors but I don't understand them. If you could help me I would really appreciate it!
Here are the errors and my program:
Errors: [Linker error] undefined reference to `__dyn_tls_init_callback'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'
ld returned 1 exit status
Program Code: It's meant to work a little like an atm.
#include <stdio.h>
void bank(float A, float T)
A = A + T;
int main ()
float A, T;
A = 1025.50; /* assume account balance = $1025.50 */
printf('Enter your transaction amount.n');
scanf('%f', &T);
/* after transaction on the ATM */
if (T > 0)
printf('current balance: %.2f after deposit: %.2fn',(A+T),T);
else if (T < 0)
printf('current balance: %.2f after withdrawal: %.2fn',(A+T),-T);
printf('current balance: %.2fn',A);
return 0;

Tls Dyn Learning

Dev-c++ __dyn_tls_init_callback

Dyn Tls V2

Tls dyn learning

Dev C中的错误的解决Linker error undefined reference to `cpufeat. 解决NOIP环境GUIDE和Dev之间的并存问题。 装上了NOIP的测试环境GUIDE后,想再用之前的Dev c的编译器的时候,发现编译的时候出现问题,无法找到编译连接的库。 错误信息如下: Linker err. Installing dev c on windows 7 Hi, Iam a student who started learning c, and I installed dev c on windows 7. But when i create the 'hellow world' console application, it dznt work but give me the following errors.