Dev C++ Functions Pdf

Programming With wxDev-C “It’s got some quirks but then again don’t we all” NinjaNL Contents The Boring Bit. Introduction. History of wxDev-C. Who This Book Is For. Acknowledgements Part 1 – C / C Programming with wxDev-C. Chapter 1 – Downloading, Installing and Updating wxDev-C o Introduction. Cratinge unctionsF in C/C Prof. Stewart Weiss Creating Functions in C/C Motivation There are many reasons to create functions for your programs. A fragment of code that appears in your program in multiple places can be placed into a function de nition and replaced by a function call instead, resulting in a smaller, more maintainable program. Functions Functions allow to structure programs in segments of code to perform individual tasks. In C, a function is a group of statements that is given a name,. C Strings Original handout written by Neal Kanodia and Steve Jacobson. C Strings One of the most useful data types supplied in the C libraries is the string. A string is a variable that stores a sequence of letters or other characters, such as 'Hello' or 'May 10th is my birthday!' Just like the other data types, to create a string we. Nov 29, 2016  You can get visibility into the health and performance of your Cisco ASA environment in a single dashboard. View VPN tunnel status and get help monitoring firewall high availability, health, and readiness. It’s also designed to automatically discover and filter with ACLs, show rule hit counts, and detect shadow and redundant rules. Download free C eBooks in pdf format or read C books online. Beginning C Programming. Download Beginning C Programming by Richard Grimes in multiple formats from Packt Publishing. The main mission of this book is to make you familiar and comfortable with C. Programming with the Dev C IDE 1 Introduction to the IDE Dev-C is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C programming language. As similar IDEs, it offers to the programmer a simple and unified tool to edit, compile, link, and debug programs. It also provides support for the management of the.

  1. Dev C Functions Pdf Converter
  2. Dev C++ Programs

A function is block of code which is used to perform a particular task, for example let’s say you are writing a large C++ program and in that program you want to do a particular task several number of times, like displaying value from 1 to 10, in order to do that you have to write few lines of code and you need to repeat these lines every time you display values. Another way of doing this is that you write these lines inside a function and call that function every time you want to display values. This would make you code simple, readable and reusable.

Syntax of Function

Let’s take a simple example to understand this concept.

A simple function example


The same program can be written like this: Well, I am writing this program to let you understand an important term regarding functions, which is function declaration. Lets see the program first and then at the end of it we will discuss function declaration, definition and calling of function.

Function Declaration: You have seen that I have written the same program in two ways, in the first program I didn’t have any function declaration and in the second program I have function declaration at the beginning of the program. The thing is that when you define the function before the main() function in your program then you don’t need to do function declaration but if you are writing your function after the main() function like we did in the second program then you need to declare the function first, else you will get compilation error.

syntax of function declaration:

Note: While providing parameter_list you can avoid the parameter names, just like I did in the above example. I have given int sum(int,int); instead of int sum(int num1,int num2);.

Function definition: Writing the full body of function is known as defining a function.
syntax of function definition:

Calling function: We can call the function like this:

Now that we understood the working of function, lets see the types of function in C++

Types of function

We have two types of function in C++:

1) Built-in functions
2) User-defined functions

1) Build-it functions

Built-in functions are also known as library functions. We need not to declare and define these functions as they are already written in the C++ libraries such as iostream, cmath etc. We can directly call them when we need.

Example: C++ built-in function example

Here we are using built-in function pow(x,y) which is x to the power y. This function is declared in cmath header file so we have included the file in our program using #include directive.


2) User-defined functions

We have already seen user-defined functions, the example we have given at the beginning of this tutorial is an example of user-defined function. The functions that we declare and write in our programs are user-defined functions. Lets see another example of user-defined functions.

User-defined functions


String is an array of characters. In this guide, we learn how to declare strings, how to work with strings in C programming and how to use the pre-defined string handling functions.

We will see how to compare two strings, concatenate strings, copy one string to another & perform various string manipulation operations. We can perform such operations using the pre-defined functions of “string.h” header file. In order to use these string functions you must include string.h file in your C program.

String Declaration

Method 1:

Method 2: The above string can also be defined as

In the above declaration NULL character (0) will automatically be inserted at the end of the string.

What is NULL Char “0”?
'0' represents the end of the string. It is also referred as String terminator & Null Character.

String I/O in C programming

Read & write Strings in C using Printf() and Scanf() functions


Note: %s format specifier is used for strings input/output

Read & Write Strings in C using gets() and puts() functions

C – String functions

C String function – strlen


size_t represents unsigned short
It returns the length of the string without including end character (terminating char ‘0’).

Example of strlen:


strlen vs sizeof
strlen returns you the length of the string stored in array, however sizeof returns the total allocated size assigned to the array. So if I consider the above example again then the following statements would return the below values.

strlen(str1) returned value 13.
sizeof(str1) would return value 20 as the array size is 20 (see the first statement in main function).

C String function – strnlen


size_t represents unsigned short
It returns length of the string if it is less than the value specified for maxlen (maximum length) otherwise it returns maxlen value.


Example of strnlen:

Length of string str1 when maxlen is 30: 13
Length of string str1 when maxlen is 10: 10

Have you noticed the output of second printf statement, even though the string length was 13 it returned only 10 because the maxlen was 10.

C String function – strcmp

It compares the two strings and returns an integer value. If both the strings are same (equal) then this function would return 0 otherwise it may return a negative or positive value based on the comparison.

If string1 < string2 OR string1 is a substring of string2 then it would result in a negative value. If string1 > string2 then it would return positive value.
If string1 string2 then you would get 0(zero) when you use this function for compare strings.

Example of strcmp:


C String function – strncmp

size_t is for unassigned short
It compares both the string till n characters or in other words it compares first n characters of both the strings.

Example of strncmp:


C String function – strcat

It concatenates two strings and returns the concatenated string.

Example of strcat:


C String function – strncat

It concatenates n characters of str2 to string str1. A terminator char (‘0’) will always be appended at the end of the concatenated string.

Example of strncat:


C String function – strcpy

It copies the string str2 into string str1, including the end character (terminator char ‘0’).

Example of strcpy:


C String function – strncpy

char *strncpy( char *str1, char *str2, size_t n)
size_t is unassigned short and n is a number.
Case1: If length of str2 > n then it just copies first n characters of str2 into str1.
Case2: If length of str2 < n then it copies all the characters of str2 into str1 and appends several terminator chars(‘0’) to accumulate the length of str1 to make it n.

Example of strncpy:


C String function – strchr

It searches string str for character ch (you may be wondering that in above definition I have given data type of ch as int, don’t worry I didn’t make any mistake it should be int only. The thing is when we give any character while using strchr then it internally gets converted into integer for better searching.

Example of strchr:


C String function – Strrchr

It is similar to the function strchr, the only difference is that it searches the string in reverse order, now you would have understood why we have extra r in strrchr, yes you guessed it correct, it is for reverse only.

Now let’s take the same above example:

Dev C Functions Pdf Converter


Why output is different than strchr? It is because it started searching from the end of the string and found the first ‘f’ in function instead of ‘of’.

C String function – strstr

It is similar to strchr, except that it searches for string srch_term instead of a single char.

Example of strstr:


Dev C++ Programs

You can also use this function in place of strchr as you are allowed to give single char also in place of search_term string.